Oh what a memorable Service Year at Newmont Ghana!

I never thought going back to school was an option for me. I mean I entered the university heavily pregnant with no idea of how I was going to sail through the four year academic journey. Through the highs and lows and by God's Grace and support from family and friends, I was able to... Continue Reading →

Stress is not a badge of honor

When was the last time you dedicated time to yourself without distractions.? You see most of us wait until we are burnt out before deciding to have a day of self-care and that's where the problem lies. I used to take care of everyone around me but myself and I realised overtime, I was falling... Continue Reading →

“God no go shame us “

What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? -Romans 8:31 This is not how I woke up. I couldn't sleep last night. A backpain kept me tossing and turning, I cried and kept asking God why I had to go through this. I... Continue Reading →

When the going gets tough…

Today has been all sorts of emotions. It's been a tough day. One would have thought after a 40 day fasting period, sis will be excited about but no, from dawn I've just been down and just tired. The plan was to go for a quick ran before fixing breakfast for the kids but they... Continue Reading →

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