You deserve to be well

This was 2018. Few weeks postpartum. I was studying for my degree at Central University. I really had a lot going on because aside being a new mom, I was also taking care of two toddlers and managing my business @lnkdesignsgh1.It was a tough time for me initially because having had not so good experiences... Continue Reading →

Opportunity Calls

Opportunity Calls The very first time I sat behind a radio console was in Takoradi (Radio Maxx) where I had gone to look for employment as a presenter. At the time, the individual in charge of announcements was on sick leave so I was asked to step in and give it a shot.With no media... Continue Reading →

Of motherhood, decorum and etiquette…

1. Normalize not asking couples when they're having children or when the next baby is coming. It's not your place to ask. Absolutely not!2. Normalize not asking if they've tried your unsolicited tips on how to have a boy or a girl.3.Normalize not having to body shame a woman who just had a baby.4. Normalize... Continue Reading →

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