It’s okay to be different. Own it!

I always knew I was different

Because growing up, I never really “fitted in”…

At some point, it bothered me, but as I matured in life,  I realised that was my superpower.

Not fitting into society’s expectations has cost me some people and associations, but it has also brought me a circle that gets me and my why.

Whenever I get the opportunity to interact with young people, I tell them, “You don’t have to be like me, I can inspire you, but sweetheart, you have a gift in you that makes you so special, own that and be greater than me”.

Even as adults, we sometimes feel “pressured” to do things we know are out of our league just to be accepted and validated. Throw in the social media “likes” and “comments,” and one can’t help but wonder if we are really living to impact our world or we are just winging it to be accepted by strangers.

There’s power in self introspection that makes you ask yourself hard questions to know who you are and why you are so unique.

Not everyone may understand you, and that’s okay
You may not be invited to their circles and honey, that’s fine
They may call you names, but it’s their opinion; the question is, what do you believe about you?

Too many people are losing themselves because of the fear of rejection and the quest for validation, and that’s not the will of God for our lives. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. Psalm 139:14.

There’s no one in this world like you. Own that assurance, love yourself, and walk with your head held high!


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